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Abraham Sacrificing Isaac, by Laurent de La Hire, 1650 |
Chareen's Thoughts:
Genesis 22 The thought of being asked to offer up one of my children as a sacrifice makes my skin crawl. I wonder what Abaham's thoughts were ? His feelings as he walked with his son and servants ? I wonder if they suspected Abraham's intentions after all he did live in a time when offering ones children as a sacrifice was fairly common. I did some extra reading (see footnotes) and realised the faith that Abraham had. As a prophet had God given him a foreknowledge ? I don't think so because the beginning of Chapter 22 it says After these things God tested Abraham. Why did He need to test Abraham ?Genesis 22:4 On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. As I read this I thought about how this is a foreshadowing of Jesus. Three days in the grave for Jesus, three days for Abraham to walk with his son.
Genesis 22:5 Abraham prophesies that he and Isaac will return together.
Genesis 22:8 Abraham prophesies that God will supply the sacrificial lamb.
Genesis 22: 11-14 God provision and affirmation of covenant with Abraham.
What an amazing story. Reading it again has left me with a deeper appreciation for the faith that Abraham walked in.
Forsaking All I Trust Him a simple acrostic with a very deep message.
These words are so simple yet their ramifications run deep and wide. Blessings
Footnotes Curtesy of Bible Gateway:
- Genesis 22:5 Abraham was not lying to his servants or trying to deceive them. He believed God, Who had promised him that this young man's posterity was to inherit the promises made to Abraham (Gen. 12:2, 3).
- Genesis 22:8 We must not suppose that this was the language merely of faith and obedience. Abraham spoke prophetically, and referred to that Lamb of God which He had provided for Himself, Who in the fullness of time would take away the sin of the world, and of Whom Isaac was a most expressive type (Adam Clarke, The Holy Bible with A Commentary). For Abraham was a prophet (Gen. 20:7). Jesus said Abraham hoped for "My day [My incarnation]; and he did see it and was delighted" (John 8:56).
- Genesis 22:9 Isaac, who was perhaps twenty-five years old (according to the ancient historian Josephus), shared his father's confidence in God's promise. Was not his very existence the result of God keeping His word? (Gen. 17:15-17.)
- Genesis 22:11 See footnote on Gen. 16:7.
- Genesis 22:18 We have the authority of the apostle Paul (Gal. 3:8, 16, 18) to restrict this promise to our blessed Lord, Who was the Seed through Whom alone all God's blessings of providence, mercy, grace, and glory should be conveyed to the nations of the earth (Adam Clarke, The Holy Bible with A Commentary).
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